Incorporation Tips
Expert advise for your Incorporation.
Get some pro tips to manage your incorporation better money wise
We bring you the best possible solutions for your business.
1. How to Pay less tax, Incorporate.
There are numerous reasons to think about incorporating your small business, regardless of whether you are currently an employee, a partnership, or a lone proprietor. Some of the advantages of incorporating as a business are listed here, along with incorporation advice.
2. Significantly Reduce Your Taxes
By avoiding the highest personal income tax rates of 40% to 50% and leaving revenue in your corporation that would only be taxed at about 20%, you can drastically lower your overall income taxes.
3. Build A Big Corporate Retirement Fund
You can keep money in your business and use it as a means of building up a sizeable retirement investment portfolio for yourself thanks to the low corporate income tax rate of about 20%.
4. Get A Tax Free Loan
You might be able to take out a loan from your employer to purchase a house or car without having to immediately report the amount as personal income.
5. Receive Tax Free Retirement Dividends
Your spouse and you may get dividends from your firm of about $30,000 each when you retire or take a leave of absence from work. If you have no other sources of income, you may receive the entire $60,000 in dividend income as tax-free personal income.
6. Smooth Income
You can utilize your business to spread out your personal income over two or more years, which will reduce your overall income taxes, if your revenue from IT contracting or consulting varies a lot from year to year.
7. Protect Personal Assets
Your company provides you with limited liability from your corporate IT contracting work, resulting in protection of your personal assets.
8. Increase Your Marketability
Many big clients and IT staffing firms prefer to work with incorporated IT contractors rather than single proprietor IT contractors because of the higher tax audit risk posed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA, previously Revenue Canada).
9. Additional Tax/Financial Strategies Available
Additional tax and financial planning methods, including as the establishment of joint venture firms, investment holding companies, and individual pension plans, are available to corporations.
About Us
We are businessmen by trade and explorers by heart, so we understand the challenges of running a small business while also leading a great life outside of work. We wish to make the same thing easier for you. We provide day-to-day financial planning, targeted coaching, and consulting services to help you better understand your company’s financial needs and plan to achieve your long-term objectives.